Working Groups (December): Strategy Priorities

From December 16th to 18th, the third round of working group meetings took place. These virtual sessions included presentations and interactive discussions focused on the core plan elements: People, Housing, and Neighborhood. These working groups build upon the input, insights, and feedback gathered from residents during community meetings and surveys, ultimately shaping strategies, projects, and programs.

The goal of these sessions was to review desired outcomes and key strategies, and identify priority strategies to shed light on potential projects and programs that respond to The Hollow's needs. For each theme, within each of the plan's elements: People, Neighborhood, and Housing, participants ranked the proposed strategies in order of priority. Case studies that have worked in other places in the country were then presented, paving the way for broadening ideas and brainstorming potential connections for strategies.

For the People element, the conversation revolved around education, wellness, safety, and employment. Among the strategies identified as most important in terms of education are creating low-cost after-school programs and activities, as well as creating on-site childcare services. Another proposed initiative included strengthening partnerships with key local education and career development organizations. Safety is emphasized, with residents seeking improved on-site security, better lighting, and initiatives to address gang activity. Key strategies for income and employment highlighted the need for a customized guide to employment resources and stronger partnerships for job training and career development. Likewise, participants considered it urgent to establish restorative justice circles at the Greene Homes, as well as create an on-site clinic for basic health needs.

The Housing Element Strategies sparked discussions on housing types, quality, and affordability. Residents emphasized the need for diverse housing options to accommodate various household sizes and secure outdoor spaces for each unit. At The Greenes site level, participants stressed the importance of securing common areas like entry vestibules, lobbies, and hallways, along with creating shared spaces for gatherings. Regarding homeownership, key actions included connecting residents with credit repair programs and expanding the Family Self-Sufficiency program to include financial literacy and housing support initiatives.

The Neighborhood element comprised key themes such as transportation, parks, amenities and services, and The Hollow's sense of belonging and culture. The most important strategies identified by participants are creating a safe monitoring program to support walking routes to schools and improving street intersections with high injury levels. Residents also consider it crucial to strengthen community ties through events and communities to encourage interaction and use of local amenities, for instance activating school playgrounds and recreation courts with family events. The Hollow community would also benefit from engaging local organizations to encourage participation from businesses and homeowners.

The working group sessions not only set the groundwork for future strategies and ideas for implementation, but also gave rise to potential connections and alliances with different stakeholders. The next steps include continued strategy development, followed by the next community meeting in February 2025 and the fourth working groups meeting while simultaneously creating a draft plan.

Recordings of these meetings can be accessed at the following links:

Working Group: People

Monday, December 16th, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am

Working Group: Housing

Tuesday, December 17th, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am

Working Group: Neighborhood

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am

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