Public Art

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The City of Bridgeport’s Office of Planning and Economic Development (OPED) and the Downtown Special Services District (DSSD) are collaborating to ‘Color In’ the Downtown by commissioning public artworks throughout the City’s fastest growing neighborhood. These projects have taken the form of murals, sculptures, innovative seating, pop-up skating events, a piano and more.

If you are an artist looking to participate in this year’s projects, be sure to follow the DSSD’s website and social media.


Following the positive reception of the Downtown projects, OPED is looking to engage the surrounding neighborhoods for the next series of art & placemaking projects with support from City Council and the Mayor’s Office. Conversations are ongoing to coordinate efforts with the local Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (NRZs). As part of this process, we would like to hear where residents would like to see art. Please use the map below to share your thoughts.


The City of Bridgeport’s Office of Planning and Economic Development (OPED) and the Downtown Special Services District (DSSD) are collaborating to ‘Color In’ the Downtown by commissioning public artworks throughout the City’s fastest growing neighborhood. These projects have taken the form of murals, sculptures, innovative seating, pop-up skating events, a piano and more.

If you are an artist looking to participate in this year’s projects, be sure to follow the DSSD’s website and social media.


Following the positive reception of the Downtown projects, OPED is looking to engage the surrounding neighborhoods for the next series of art & placemaking projects with support from City Council and the Mayor’s Office. Conversations are ongoing to coordinate efforts with the local Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (NRZs). As part of this process, we would like to hear where residents would like to see art. Please use the map below to share your thoughts.

  • Hello!

    The Office of Planning and Economic Development (OPED) has been working the past few years with The Downtown Social Services District (DSSD) to beautify downtown Bridgeport with public art. We worked with several building owners to make sure planned murals were in line with their business vision to make their property stand out. Positive and excited reactions were heard from all building owners we worked with.

    This year, we want to expand our projects throughout the City of Bridgeport to spread the beauty of art into all neighborhoods. Our mission is to complete one to two projects per area of Bridgeport. We want you to be a part of the history we are making here in our beloved city. We would like to hear from you stating your interest in being part of this amazing program. If you are interested, we will schedule a meeting to go over a short list of artists we feel are a good match for your property. Afterwards, we take over the reins and schedule the project in an agreed upon timeframe. Please note: answering this email is not a commitment, it is to showcase your interest.

    We thank you for your time, and please do not hesitate to email with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Please fill out the brief form. 

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Page last updated: 19 Mar 2024, 01:23 PM